
Get started with
A couple of steps, but it's pretty simple.
Find your perfect eCard
  • Search for an eCard of a specific festive or occasion or browse by keywords and colours.
  • Go to the eCard detailed page to view the portrait version or search for similar eCards with one of the tagged phrases.
  • We also make recommendations based on the keyword phrases of the eCard you are viewing.
  • Bookmark favourite eCards for easy reference.
Placing your order
  • Got the perfect eCard you like for your company and teams? Choose the package that suits you the most and you are ready to go by clicking the "Order Now" button.
  • You can consider having a little extra to fit your eGreeting campaign by selecting some value-added options.
  • Fill in your contact details and our team will reach out to follow up with your order.
  • Upload your company logo, complete your company website URL if you would like to add a hyperlink on the eCard, and select your payment method.
  • Review the order summary and you are good to place your order.
Quotation and Payment
  • Our team will contact you within 3 working days after receiving your order. We will confirm with you the order items you have selected.
  • A quotation will be issued and sent to your registered email address.
  • Review the quotation and confirm the order by sending back the signed quotation or purchase order.
  • We will issue the payment invoice and send it to you via email.
  • Submit the payment slip and our team is ready to kick start your eCard production once received the green light from our Finance Department.
eCard Preview and Confirmation
  • With the materials you uploaded / provided during the order process, our team will prepare the eCard accordingly.
  • The draft will be sent to your email address for your preview. Usually, it will take 3 working days after the project kick-starts.
  • Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any feedback or confirm with us if everything looks good.
Ready to Send!
  • If you have purchased one of our "eCard system" packages, our team will create a sending platform account and share with you the credentials, your team can then access the account and start sending the greetings.
  • For customers who have chosen one of our "eCard File only" packages, we will prepare the deliverables and send them to your email address for your usage.